Get the care you deserve.

“I am passionate about helping you discover the values that align with who you are.”

Welcome to Core Values Psychotherapy! I’m Jazmine Barnes, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the state of Georgia. I earned my Bachelor’s of Psychology from Kennesaw State University and my Master’s of Social Work from Georgia State University. From there, I launched into nonprofit community counseling and private practice. In therapy, we collaborate in an effort to tap into the strength that you already possess and discover the values that align with who you are.

I specialize in helping anxious overachievers put themselves first and overcontrolled & depressed professionals learn healthier ways to cope. I focus on supporting burnt-out individuals' journey towards happiness and helping depressed professionals put down their “I have it all together” mask and connect to their true self. I have experience in helping the grieving parent process emotions they typically don’t have time to unpack during their busy workday and family activities and helping college folks find calm in their (often times) worrisome obligations and interpersonal relationships.

At Core Values Psychotherapy, you will find a safe therapeutic relationship full of openness, authenticity, and compassion. A path forward, towards a life you want to live, does exist.

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